EXPATS AGAIN! Experiencing other cultures while enriching our global view.



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Munich, Germany
I am married to the love of my life and am finally able to shower him with all of the attention he deserves. I am now retired and living the life here in Europe. I am an American, he is an Australian, and this is our second overseas address. The first was Shanghai, China and now Munich, Germany. Come along and live the life with us as we continue our adventure of discovering all Europe has to offer.

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Saturday, November 14, 2009


Beaker!Image by sea turtle via Flickr

 In our family everyone calls me "Mimi." Not grandma, Nana, gamma, or any other grandmother substitute.

Only one of my ten grandchildren has ever referred to me as anything else and that is 6 year-old, Dido.  He loves to call me Grandmother and when he first sees me, he always asks me if I am going to bake cookies for him. 

To him, I am the quintessential grandmother out of the children's storybooks who bakes cookies and spends every minute doting on her grandchildren.  (Well, he's not that far off if you ask anyone who knows me.)

But just yesterday, his mom emailed me a "You Tube" video of Dido's newest hero.  When he was a toddler it was Larry Boy from "Vegetales."  Then he became intrigued with the animal kingdom and with any monkey, chimp, ape, or orangutang.  Now, at 6, he is fascinated with Beaker from "Sesame Street."  In the "You Tube" video, Beaker is singing before an audience his song, "Mimi." My question is this, "Do you think he associates his grandmother,"Mimi," with this video?"

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1 comment:

honeypiehorse said...

That is a totally awesome Beaker costume. I want that!