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I would say that along with travel is sport. I'm particularly
passionate about golf. If I had my way, we would be sitting pretty on on
Image by lotusutol via Flickr
One of my new passions is drawing great chuckl es and jokes from my two sons--crocheting and knitting. They somehow find the idea of their mother becoming crafty just too grandmotherly and are trying to shame me out of continuing. Too late, I'm hooked. (no pun intended).
Having a degree in Art is no guarantee that you'll be an artist, but now that the kids are grown, I'm retired, and money for supplies is not an object, I've begun to dabble in oils, watercolors, and sketching. My real passion has always been clay sculpture. So, I foresee a studio in my near future and a kiln to fire the objects that I'm working in my head and sketching at the moment. I'm also planning to invest in a potters' wheel for throwing bowls, cups, plates, and any other kind of vase or pot that strikes my fancy.
Being in Europe has opened a whole new opportunity for my creative juices. I see promise in following the culinary arts of some of the countries we've visited. I've already perfected the sopska salad we so enjoyed in Bulgaria, to my amazement. I'm anxious to join the e
Image by Bobcatnorth via Flickr
xpats in the German Cooking Challenge and give my hand at some of the interesting recipes posted each month. Then, I'm keen to try cake decorating and I'll be inquiring at the local community center for lessons in this skill.
Lets see, there is skiing, alpine walking, yoga, pilates, and cross country skiing. There is German Language lessons, book club, and theater. I could go on and on and that is the problem. Where does one find the time to follow every passion? While I'm going to try them all, I'm sure that some will strike my fancy more than others. But what a wonderful time in your life to try all that you've been wanting to try! I have to tell you, I am loving life!
You are so lucky to have so many passions, and at least some time to pursue them. At midlife, knee-deep in teenagers and responsibilities, I will have to wait for a bit to have the freedom you have. But when I do, I hope I approach it with your adventurous spirit!
Thank you, Edelweiss. But I would never trade those years "knee-deep in teenagers and responsibilities." They fly by so quickly. Enjoy them, my dear, as someone said, "This is the stuff life is made of!" I look forward to reading more about your life with teens!
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