1. St. Patrick's Day will be celebrated this coming Saturday...what's a favorite article of clothing you own that contains a touch o' the green?
I have a bright green blouse with a V-neck and pretty little embroidery around the neck in the same color of green. It is comfortable and green is one of "my" colors, so I love it. Unfortunately, we won't be celebrating this year. Last year a dear expat friend of mine lost her 27 yr. old son after he drove home from a night's celebrating. It was a horrific accident and his parents have since repatriated back to the states to be with their remaining son who just graduated college. We are donating to a cause he felt strongly about, a food pantry, and skipping the prerequisite imbibing in alcohol. I have no regrets on this decision.
2. What's a favorite 'green space' in the town, state, or province where you live?
Ahhh, in München it is the Englisher Garten. It is a large public park (1.4 sq. miles), bigger than Central Park in New York! And guess what? You can surf there!
The Isar River runs through it.
The Chinese Tower, a biergarden!
3. Do you wish you were taller, shorter, or think you're just about right in the height department?
I am fine in the height department.
4. What's the surest way for someone to pick a fight with you?
Insist that you're correct when I have information that says otherwise. Just because you "say it's so" don't "make it so."
5. Broccoli-Spinach-String Beans-Peas...of the four, your favorite green veg? (Or the one you dislike the least if that first option's too hard. I just know there's some veggie haters out there.)
At the moment, hubby and I are juicing so I am eating TONS of vegetables. Of this group, my favorite would have to be string beans, if they are fresh. (No canned or frozen veggies for us anymore.)
6. March is National Women's History Month...besides friends, neighbors and the women you're related to, who's a woman in history you admire and why?
I admire Mother Theresa for her selflessness and her willingness to devote her life to helping the less fortunate.
7. Keep Calm and ____________on.
You fill in the blank. Bless
8. Insert your own random thought here.
As the facts seep out, I am stunned by the soldier that crept out in the middle of the night to slaughter innocent citizens of Afghanistan. I know this will have to go through all of the channels, but I am afraid they will find him mentally incompetent and he will not have to face the death penalty for his crimes. How do you feel about this sad turn of events?