Thanks to Flickr and "elsie *cakes", pictured here, I've discovered something that I just have to have. I think it's brilliant! I guess now that I've retired I can try to take up knitting again and this looks like something fairly simple that even I can handle. Jac, my mother-in-law, almost lost all of her patience a few summers back when I attempted to knit a scarf. She will be coming to visit in May and I'm planning on asking her to help me with this project. It's so typically American (even though she is Australian, lol). I've also done some research online and discovered there is a "Bitch and Stitch" group organized for the American Women's Club in Munich and beginners are welcome. One more reason to attempt to learn this skill.
But there will be much to miss about the U.S. when we've planted our roots in Germany. For example, do kids in Munich play basketball outside in their driveways? I wonder if the Germans kick back and barbecue in their backyards like we do here in Ohio? Will my Ohio State sweatshirt fly in Munich where we will be living, or will I have to find an uber chic outfit to wear outside while shopping? The mere thought!
These are just some of the crazy ideas rolling around in my head as time is getting closer for our move (only 3 short weeks away! ) It will be exciting, but I will miss things like a pink, knitted drink cozy that only an American can dream up.